Three of our band members got up very, very early on the morning of Saturday 29th of May to form the Tottenham Trio! The three took part in the Royal Naval Volunteer Band, Massed Bands which performed for the Rugby League Final at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London. This was a national event which was televised and broadcast across the country. Caleb was one of the three Drum Majors leading the Band, Richard was in the front rank of the Corps of Drums and Mark was at the rear on solo clarinet. The Massed Bands performed a selection of marches and played the National Anthem accompanied by superb vocalist, Lizzie Jones. It was the perfect event to showcase the Royal Navy and the Volunteer Bands who excelled themselves on a sunny Saturday in London.

Caleb thinking... "been up since omg o'clock, not doing anything until I've had my coffee!"

You all look fantastic. Xxx